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June 2008
July 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Okay... long time never post.. but nvm that la... anyway... today I also feel like dying...(last time was Jolene)...
Morning okay la... except Jerel keep on wanting to take my bag away from me... or want to snatch it away... he so bad... now I don't know why but after
happened he keep on being so bad to me...
Then during recess I go with Jolene then she look so sad so don't bother her in case she get mad at me... like last time... then when Jolene go ask me buy food for her I spotted [HIM]
and his 'gang'... and I tried the best I could to not let them see but [TR] (don't ask me who that is) saw and tell [HIM].
After that... i got even worse news... pris told me that [TR] and [TSH]
steal the neoprint we took yesterday then go say 'this girl like [HIM] ' and now another person knows... so sad and miserable...
Then I after that wait for Jolene, Zoey, Winona and Lorraine finish then follow them around.... (don't know why) then when I was going to walk back to the table... guess WHAT... stupid [TSH]
go and laugh laugh laugh so I quickly run back to table... almost fall down, lucky never...
Lucky after that never tease me.... then when today dismissal me and Lorrie(Lorraine) go to the school gate then found [TSH]and [TR]
and [PWH] there.... lucky [HE] not there... so I heck care... then when walking to the bus stop at the zebra crossing there only the bus there liao... [TR] keep saying "Run! Run la!" (in chinese) then me and Lorrie never run... (and I wished that I did listen to him cos--- nvm, you read later...)
After reach bus stop then Lorrie say she so hungry so I go with her go canteen and on the way we saw Jolene so she also follow us. Then when we were walking back to the school gate... guess WHAT.
[HE]was already there... and I hid behind Jolene's bag but I had no idea how they were going to not see me... so Jolene said(as soon as we were about to cross) "I know! Run!" (couldn't hear the exact words but i only heard that...
But when Jolene ran, I was holding on to her bag and pulling Lorrie's hair so I was running while pulling her hair.... (so sorry by the way! cos I pull her hair until her hairband almost fall off...) then when we reach inside when I look back i could see [TR] looking at me... expression like saying "Crazy people..." and i don't even think he was looking... I think he was glaring....(creeps me out)...
Ha yo... and remember the whole "flirting" thing between Jee Eon, Timothy and Jolene? Anyway when we went to the canteen, Jee Eon want me to sit with her then she also want Jolene sit. i tell jolene but then apparently jolene thought I was saying like... something else then say 'no'. Then tell jee eon then she all angry again... i keep on thinking... will these two ever PROPERLY make up and be friends... so sad...

Other than that... again... sorry for not posting!!!
But i let you in on what happen last week for not posting...
on monday: fine... can't remember a thing... except that the last monday before this[TSH]
found out who i like and tell a sec school boy who barely knows me!!! i knew cos when i was in the bus stop i saw and talking to the sec school guy then suddenly told "eh, rachel over there." (in chi) and I was thinking like... how did he know my name? I don't think he ever even looked at me before! Ever!
on tuesday: can't remember...
on wednesday: okay la... nothing that exciting or bad happen...
on thursday: the science show was damn boring! But then during the show... [TR] sitting next to Lorrie then he ask her pass note to
[HiM] then she tell me then i tell sheryl then pass the book to a 6T girl then she call me to pass to and again... I was thinking... how come SHE suddenly know me but i took it anyway then Lorrie naughty naughty sms someone with her hp so i just pass to but then he say pass to Lorrie... but she was still smsing... and again... thinking... is he so scared of taking the book directly from me? what so scary? so i just throw the book(gently) beside him. Then he say thank you but then he glared at me as if he was going to shout and scold me...
Then after that Jee Eon go and throw a big ball of clay at Lorrie's bag then she say for me... lucky never hit me... then after that blah blah blah then 8 of us(Lorrie, me, Amalina, Joey, CJ, Marcus, Lucas and ws) start a clay war... keep throwing at each other! So fun! That was the only fun part of the day)
on friday: so fun! i ask lorrie come my house...then she say two person very boring so i ask jia li and pris to come also... but jia li cannot come so only me, lorrie and pris. we go my house there pris keep playing with hamster then forget what then we go to jec to take neoprints and found zoey and jolene there while we were decorating... and no, i am not angry(cos zoe and joey thought that i was) but annoyed...becos of something... then after that we all five go take pic. Nice!

And then i forgot on one of the days Joey and Zoey go and pull and drag me to
[HIM] and if you here screaming anytime last week, it was probably me(during recess). Now I owe them $36 just cos i don't want to say 'Hi" to[HIM] ... so bad...

then yesterday me and pris go to jec take neoprints again... then after that pris go and buy cup corn and i kept wanting to eat more and more... and i think i ate the most... hehe... then after that go back to my house then pris want to play with the newborn but grow already hamsters then accidentally let the mother hamster out 2 times! Lucky I notice...

Okay... going to end... so sleepy.... bye!


11:22 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted for a while... either busy or cannot use or other people use the computer... anyway... I just watch "Kung Fu Panda" on Sunday and it was completely funny! I watch with my father and my brother was sitting behind me. Then my mother and baby brother walk around Vivo City(that's where we watch) because everytime my baby brother go watch movie or anything he go make a lot of noise then go and disturb other people and some more my mother also don't want to go with us watch so we three just watch lor...

After that then we go to a place called "The Chevrons" for my younger brother swimming lessons. But then go there I saw him doing nothing but playing with the fish toy or something or whatever it's called... so waste money if never learn anything...

What to say... oh ya! Yesterday so fun! I went to west mall with Jolene and Zoey and Angel. Actually I was supposed to just go Zoey house then she say eat at west mall first. Then when supp over, Jolene go wait with me for Zoey. Then when Zoey come out she go ask Jolene... maybe close to forcing Jolene to come with us and finally she say yes. After that we run here and there just to reach the 77 bus stop... and over there we meet Angel then talk talk talk then when on the bus the four of us sit together at the back and blah blah blah and then when almost reach west mall at the second last stop is Angel supposed to alight. Jolene go and say:"Ha? You alighting here a? Ceh, I thought you also go west mall." Right after she say this Angel say:"Also can." and sat down again.

And I thought Jolene was going to flip cos she thought Angel was very dangerous, but instead, she laughed when she said she would go to west mall... sometimes I don't get her... haya. But we were sooo lucky to run into Angel and let her come to west mall with us. When we were eating at KFC, she made us laugh so hard!!! And by that, I mean... when she made us laugh just like three or five times straight, when we look at each other we even laugh... we turn so crazy liao...

After eat we go to Uncle Tidbits then buy then after that we were going down the escalator and then Angel just walk up when the escalator was going down. Then she started running cos she cannot reach the top. So then Jolene run down. Then Zoey follow. So I also follow. Then it started the chase... we were running away and Angel was chasing us then when we reach the second floor Jolene and Zoey want to go down to first level but I say we go inside Tom & Stefanie there and hide. Then we run like mad again.

Once we inside we hide behind some boxes. Then we were slowly sneaking around the place as if we were being chased by the police or something then Zoey and Jolene sometimes laugh then I keep on... shushing... them. Then after that we ran down the escalator inside the store then go down... and we lost Angel... and then Jolene say she have to go home but then when we walking out... near the sales there then we saw Angel going down the other escalator. Joey wanted to run away but then we both went and stop her then hide behind her for cover from Angel... but then lucky Angel never kill us..

Oh ya... then you know, right? After that I went to Zoey's house and she help me with the blog skin... okay... help me choose nice nice... but then all we both choose got nothing in the preview so we ask help from her cuz then she is very... okay... impatient... but she still help me... thank you so so much! And Joey... good luck with ur own blog! :)

Oh, and this is for someone I know very well:


Terminating here... so tired...


12:00 AM

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Finally found something to post...

The trip to Phuket was so awesome! I wish I could go there again! My family go stay at Club Med which was damn nice! For me, it was better than hotel. We stay in twin room and inside not bad. I like to stay there but then when take shower in the morning the room and shower very
cold. Then when come out of the shower more cold! But it's still comfy! I mean the bed is. Then after all of us take shower we go eat breakfast then walk around or go back to the room. And sometimes we go to the bar (which is very nice) and wait for some time while drinking then after that go to the beach which is a short way behind the club or hotel.... ha ya don't know la!

Then on one of the days... maybe the second day I was there, when we went to the beach(first time) I saw this stray dog while playing with my baby brother. It was so cute. I was playing with the stick and throwing it into the waters far far away and wait for it to come back. Then when I was holding the stick, the dog come over. But then too late liao, I throw into the water then it walk away. Big, huge mistake! I was wanting to play with it.... so sad. So after that I continue playing then we go back. The wave so strong and near then hit my whole shirt. Okay, maybe not whole like... one-quarter? But still wet! And my baby brother was drenched from shirt to toe. I tell you, so fun!

When we go back, we rest for a while then look around then eat dinner and make some friends. And by friends I mean the people from the Club Med. The G.O.s. General Organiser, not general office! Stupid Mana(friend) go and say that. These are the G.O.s we made friends with: (Guys) Zen, Rick, Wayan, Kiki(dun laugh!), the bartenders, Bazz, Dino, one other one I dun noe his name... (Girls) Robin, Bong(dun laugh!), Tanya. Whoa, make more guy frens then girls... ha ya... what to expect? More guys work there. Anyways... their job very easy lor! They get paid just to have fun, you know! Well, if you consider making shows fun then yes.... so good!

Then every night, there's always a show they make for us(the visitors). The show they make so funny! I want to see it again! Especially the fourth day we were there. There were dances and skits! So funny!!! Especially Kiki! I wish that they can come to Singapore then make show again... but cannot, too bad... Everyone who was watching the show was laughing like mad cows when Kiki and Bazz do the so called "Kung Fu Showdown" show... that's what I call it anyway. You should've been there! It was so funny! I bet Jolene would already be crying when they started. Then the others were dances, a Les something show(funny also cos Kiki and Bazz in the show but more crazier), and a... jug thingy. Seven G.O.s(Robin, Kiki and the others I forgot) each carry one white jug. Then they keep on spitting water at each other. And when show almost finish they almost spit at us... lucky didn't! Also during the "Kung Fu Showdown", Bazz and Kiki was hearing us laughing at their show then they also laugh themselves... and they make us laugh and clap more. That also happen during the jug thingy. Kiki just spat water at Robin's hair and he looked so funny that Robin spat water at his hair(which she was not supposed to do) and laughed out loud!

That was one of my most enjoyable times in Phuket. The next enjoyable thing was when my family go take a tour to Koh Phi Phi islands. There are seven islands in this... island. We go onto the mini bus to the port where we will take a speedboat. Then one the speed boat so wild! Okay fine.... windy! So windy! The boat kept jumping up and down up and down and my baby brother was screaming! Then the person sitting in front of me got his hat blown away. Lucky I behind. If not it would have already flown away go bye bye. Then when we reached the first island, it was quite boring... nothing to do but play with water. Then at the fourth stop, we got to feed the fishes. When we threw pieces of bread down, they were all rushing to it like as if the world was gonna end soon. Then after that at the sixth stop we got to see the monkeys! So cute! One of them had a baby holding onto its body! Really very cute!

After that we went for lunch and buy stuff then when it was the last island, Rick, the tour guide, let us relax for two hours. So boring. It was called Bamboo Island but we couldn't see any bamboo! Not fun la that island. But I still enjoy the trip! The whole trip lasted for ten hours! But worth it. I want to ride on a speed boat again!!! Can't wait for that day... Haya...

Okay... time for me to terminate this post... see ya soon!


12:58 AM

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to....

Okay... I have no idea what to write here... just started. Newbie, so sorry... I suck at this... if anybody can help me, that would mean so much... please please please...
Just testing... okay... colorful... oh... nvm... Tell me I suck at this... i really deserve it... and do not tell CHX that I also helped created the "Hui Xin Sucks" blog... she'll totally kill me...or maybe can find excuse... what a? Nvm
If anyone can give me help with my blog... please please help me! And in the meantime... I think I'm gonna change some things here... if I can... or maybe I could...

Bye Bye!


9:08 PM